Noah Akeylla, a teenager on a quest for his true self, possesses
extraordinary abilities. He can not only control his own dreams with
precision but also enter and influence the dreams of others while they
sleep. As Noah delves deeper into his unusual powers, he begins to
grasp their potential dangers, including the chilling realization that he
can cause death through dreams. His journey leads him to a remarkable
group known as the Somniatores, who are as exceptional as he is. Noah
finds himself caught in a thousand-year-old war between the Sandmen
and the Order of Oris, two factions of Somniatores with opposing ideals.
Under the guidance of his mentor, Idy Oart, Noah uncovers hidden
truths about the Somniatores, his own family, and his connection to the
Format: 14 x 21 cm, paperback, 342 pages.
© Bookland