In this new detective novel by a master of the genre, the story delves into economic crime intricately interwoven with personal narratives. It all begins with the disappearance of Vera Čuk, an employee of the Credit Bank. There is no trace of her, and the author skillfully leads us down various unexpected paths. The tale of the missing woman becomes entangled with a corrupt mayor, the bank’s CEO, and the owner of a construction company. However, something still doesn’t add up in this enigma, and after her disappearance, bodies start to pile up. Lead detective teams up with a former colleague, a private investigator who had been following the woman on her husband’s orders months before Vera Čuk’s disappearance. Why did she visit the doctor multiple times? Why was she meeting with a lawyer? The threads of the story constantly intertwine and twist, and Tone Frelih has succeeded in crafting a detective novel that keeps the reader engaged until the very last page.